Saturday, February 04, 2006

strange fruit

i was in a resort and then in a foreign town. i am on a roof top with vendors. i eat something a vendor has to offer. it is like a tomato but sweet. i know the plant but these are mutated in size and shape. they are longer than any i have seen. i realize it is time to go and this person, a female, wants me to pay 60. i ask what currency and she says dollars. this is ridiculous. i will not pay that much money. i try to bargain. they will not concede on the price. i am worried about having people come after me for not paying. i decide to protest and leave without paying since they will not concede. the person shifts to a male and they are following me. they seem to be looking for me to identify my car so they can mess it up. i go to a strangers car and pull out my key. they attack this car and i start fighting with them. i slam his head on a pipe for parking. i do it again and again... waiting for signs of consciousness to fade. i punch him a couple times in the face. i can't do it as hard as i would like. i slam his head a few more times. i get up and look for my car. i can't find it. i am worried about being here. i find a similar car but the interior is not like my car. i go back to my hotel. i see friends there. they are friends from a previous time and shadow figures. we get on something like bikes to leave and mess up things as we are leaving the villa.


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