
I received a phone call from a good friend who is also my mentor in counseling. He is an amazing person and since the storm, I have been a little embarrased to talk about all of the up's and down's we have experienced. I don't want to be a counseling case for him, I want to be his friend. I called him to check in with him when I was feeling pretty good a week and a half ago and to see how his travels to europe were. Since that time, things fell apart again. My fiance' and I both did not get the jobs we had hoped for. It would not be so bad if it didn't feel like constant rejection. She has applied and interviewed for more than 12 jobs and she has lost out to an insider, someone already in the territory, or someone with 15 years of experience. I know Austin is competitive but this is ridiculous. She was really upset about this and, in turn, so was I.
While we had planned for the worst (moving to austin without jobs) you always hope it doesn't turn out that way. Especially after all of our struggles. My friend called because I hadn't returned his call and he knew it was not characteristic of me. I told him I was a little down when I got the news about the jobs and so was my fiance. I told him I didn't think I could talk to him when I got his call. He reminded me that it's okay to feel like you don't have it together and I could call him anytime. I can't tell you how much that meant to me. He is really such a wonderful person, the like of which is a rare encounter in life. My friend Amelia is another who I consider that close. It is so hard being away from people that are so special to you. I know the distance has helped me to appreciate just how special they are to me.
(artwork: Brett Calzada @
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