Wednesday, March 21, 2007

greener grass in europe?

Due to Katrina, the Bush administration, growing idiocracy in America, and a mentality that favors homogeneous society, I had been thinking about life in Europe. In Europe, people care about the environment, you have at least a month of vacation if not more, medicine is a right for everyone, the government supports you if you become unemployed, architecture is amazing, and life seems easier.

I called an American friend now living in Luxembourg and he has been living in Europe for 3 years now to test this theory. What I found was that there are advantages to either side and both places have their disadvantages. In Europe, the system is built around individuals picking a career by college and doing that for your life. Careers can be predetermined by social class somewhat. While there are many perks, there is also a great deal of snobbery in Europe which I never realized. It was an interesting insight in to life in another place and it made me realize, maybe I just need to find what I want here in the states.


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